Sea Creatures
Sea Creatures as described here - sea life - includes plants and animals ranging from repltiles, mammals, molluscs, corals, sponges, fish etc. They share in common the salt water environment that bathes them constantly. Sea food is often rich in iodine.
ambr, aster, bad, cor-r, murx, sep, spong, squill
- shy, bashful (puls)
- blushing (amyl-n, ferr)
- hydersensitive (ign)
- cough with eructations, waterbrash
- company agg - sensitivity
- dwells upon unpleasant things (nat-m [Muriaticum/Natrum])
- deafness
- bleeding - nose, teeth
- leucorrhea - bluish
- menses too early, from any slight accident
- asthma
- sleepless from anxiety (kali-br [Bromium/Kali])
- cramps in hands
- convulsions
- red face
- sharp pains
- cancer
- contradiction agg
- acne
- breasts
- unsteady gait
- herpes zoster of left-side
- axillary glands enlarged
- prolapse of uterus
- increased sexual desire
- empty, hollow feeling (sep)
- leucorrhea
- benign breast tumor
(nat-m [
- female complaints
- ptosis, drooping, pot-belly
- averse to sex
- yellow-brown saddle across nose
- miserly, fear of poverty
- indifference to loved ones
- exercise amel
- consolation agg
- occupation amel
- enuresis
- cough
- lachrymation (euphr)
- incontinence of urine with cough (caust)
- irritated eyes - rubs them
- bronchitis
- kidneys
- sneezing (all-c)
- cold extremities (calc)
- sore, tender feet (med)
- edema (dig)